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Documentary - Corporate - TV Commercial - Rendering - Animation - Shooting - VR Illustration - Storyboard - Scenography - Video Mapping - Movie - Camera Projection - Interactive Installation - Video Installation - APP - VR Products- Video 360

At Nema FX we bring together professionals from various fields of practice: 3Dartists, programmers, engineers, animators and architects. As cinematographers, art lovers and tech enthusiasts our goal is to create exquisite and memorable products for our clients using innovative technology The creative process involves the visual interpretation of ideas and concepts that come up as illustrations and storyboards that our artists bring to life using their knowledge. The digital content we create has a vast potential for large field of applications. The best examples are promoting digital cultural heritage tourism, digital preservation of historical & traditional practices, virtual educational approaches, video mapping for advertising, live concerts, theater, gaming, decoration, and much more. We offer to our audience, unique experiences during which they have access to real emotions that words only cannot describe.


Nicola Sganga wins the 2nd David Di Donatello

The power of imagination makes us infinite. (J. Muir)

The grand Opening of the M9 museum in Mestre

"If you can dream it, you can do it. " ( Walt Disney ) tttt

Lost Stones Tales - A Real Experience, Hidden Places and Virtual Treasures

Nema Fx wins the first prize at the  Video Game LAB.
